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How to keep your child from shutting down during homework time

Oct 07, 2023

🗣️ Learn practical tips and strategies to help your child stay focused and motivated throughout their homework sessions. Don't miss out! 🎉 

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Should our children learn how to read at home or at school? Who’s responsibility is it?

Sep 30, 2023
1. Make sure your child has a notebook when they read to write down tough words.
2. Make index cards with these words and practice reading before they start reading the book.
3. Assign your child the job as the “Family Reader”.
4. Give your child a spelling test every week and have them retake it until they get 100%.
5. Have “Reading Conversations” to improve reading comprehension. 6. Bonus: Have your child write their own stories.
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Morning & Night Time Routine for the Best School Year Ever!

Sep 30, 2023
Morning and nighttime routines to help you start your day off right as the school year starts. From setting intentions to winding down before bed, we'll share our top tips for a productive & relaxing routine. Learn why consistency is key to a successful school year & how to establish a routine that works! A consistent morning
and night time routine can make a world of difference in your child's school year. It will help them to stay organized, focused, and refreshed.
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Let's explore the importance of teaching our children the difference between an adult listening and children listening! 👂🎧👀

Sep 30, 2023

Attentive listening between parents and children can foster a deeper understanding and connection. When parents actively listen to their children, they demonstrate that their thoughts and feelings are valued, leading to increased trust and open communication.

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Why is it so hard to say NO to our  kids?

Sep 30, 2023
Watch the vide for a thought-provoking blog as we delve into the topic of "Why is it hard to say no to our kids?". Discover valuable insights and practical tips on parenting
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How to help our kids be excited about higher expectations.

Sep 30, 2023

Let's explore the importance of helping our kids embrace higher expectations! 🚀🎉 We'll discuss the benefits of setting high standards for our young ones and provide practical tips on how to help them achieve their full potential. Don't miss out on this informative and inspiring conversation!

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Tips to make homework easier this year!

Sep 30, 2023
Get ready to make homework a breeze this year! 📚 Here are some 
 tips and tricks to make homework easier and more manageable. Don't miss out!
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Study Tips For Teens

Sep 30, 2023
Is your teen having trouble studying?. Is your teen distracted? Is your teen always on their phone,  computer, and Ipad? Do you want your teen to have better grades? Learn proactive strategies to help them maximize their academic success. We encourage you and your Champion to watch the Live together! Discover how to make studying an easy and enjoyable experience!
During the live a checklist will be given, you can print it our and hang it up on your teen's study wall!
Let's make this school year their best yet!
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Teach your child to go after that A.

Sep 28, 2023
 Our topic will be "Teach your child to go after that A".
Our summer program is doing so well! All of our students are challenged above their current grade levels! Our CHAMPIONS keep on getting 100% on their quizzes! We are seeing growth even on our new students! They are definitely going to be ready and equipped for the next school year!
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How to stop your child's tantrums.

Jul 12, 2023
Is your child throwing tantrums, fighting, hitting, biting, screaming, and other less-than-adorable behaviors?
It can be frustrating, right?
We just want it to stop especially when it happens over and over again! Let us help you discourage these behaviors and teach them better ones.
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