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What does Behavior/Literacy Coaching mean and how can it benefit my child?

There is a serious need for literacy advancement in this country. It always pained my heart to watch a child struggle to read or complete schoolwork on their own. I always imagined how they must feel. Reading is about 75% of the school day. If children cannot read, they cannot spell. If they cannot spell, then they cannot write. They are already set up for failure.

What does that look like at school? Well, they are refusing to read, refusing to do classwork or homework, and thinking up excuses to leave the classroom. All of these behaviors make the job of teaching more challenging. Also, while working as a mental health specialist for the University of Behavioral Healthcare, at UMDNJ in Newark NJ, I saw a direct link between illiteracy and behavior problems. I wondered if helping kids become successful at school would become the catalyst for other positive and healthy changes needed in their lives.

Also, I’ve worked with many parents who weren’t as involved as they could’ve been in their children’s education, not because they didn’t care, but because they didn’t know where to look for resources. Oh, and I happen to love, love, love reading myself. So after talking my husband’s ear off about it for years, I decided to do something about it.

I work with parents who have dynamite children with behavior and academic challenges. Do you know how fast a child can learn and succeed once his or her behaviors become more positive and productive? I’ve experienced this time and time again and I want the same for you, parents. Do not believe the behaviors that your child presents to you. They are just a mask with the markings of habits and coping skills that cover up their true ability and creativity and it is time for them to truly shine. We have to remove the mask before it’s too late.

I can help you remove the mask by offering you a FREE STRATEGY SESSION where I can get to know your child’s core issues and what you want to achieve for your child. Then I can make some recommendations to get your child back on track.

I do needs assessments and help parents create, carry out and maintain a behavior modification/learning system at home. Because literacy is about 75% of the school day, our focus is on literacy to make the greatest impact. Then I help parents transfer those gains to the classroom for overall success. The home is the best place for this kind of long lasting transformation because home is where your child can receive the most specialized and customized action plans and follow up, and be able to work out any limitations that may be holding them back. We're bringing mental health and special education into your home.

I focus on growth and results for long term, life changing success. I give you the best because I know that you want what’s best for your child. That being said, I work with a certain kind of parent. I am interested in parents who take responsibility for their children’s success. Who do not accept the easy route but will do whatever it takes to change their child’s lives. Who do not want to go along with the crowd when it comes to education and treatment for their child. I work with parents who believe that anything is possible with the right plan and some good old fashioned effort. Growth is unlimited so we have no idea how amazing your child will be at the end of his or her journey. It is our responsibility to start them on the road to success and guide them along the way.

I don’t work with parents who feel that it is the school’s responsibility to deal with their child’s behavior. Yes, I firmly believe that a good teacher is stellar at classroom management, but the classroom is not the place for chronic behavior. It is a place for learning. Furthermore, precious time and energy will be wasted trying to change the school system so we are going to change our home system and send our children to school equipped to shine and thrive. It’s not going to be easy work, but it will be worth it.

So, if I am your coach, you are prepared to do whatever it takes to equip your child at home behaviorally and academically so they can thrive, not just survive, in the classroom. That is what we do here. Let’s change the game.


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