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My daughter Jazzy, underneath the behavior.

that mom life May 21, 2019

Hello Moms. I’m going to share something with you about my daughter, Jazzy. What most people don’t know about Jazzy is that she is highly intelligent. Has been since she was a baby. When she was three years old, I saw her reading and turned my entire dining room into her classroom. She was reading, writing, adding and subtracting along with a myriad of other skills before going to preschool.

At school, she tones it down, but at home with Mom, she’s busy trying to come up with a new dinosaur extinction theory. Or asking if the sun will one day die out as all stars do since the sun is one big star. Sometimes she is reading 4 different books at one time and creating her own book inspired by the plots, and characters of the combined books. Or creating elaborate and complex plans to manipulate the adults around her. I’m the only one who knows what she is thinking all the time. I carried her and breastfed her till she was a year old. She is like my second heartbeat.

We have high-level conversations in private. She loves to teach herself and learn things on her own and, like her baby sister Mya, is an observational learner and has an excellent memory. She also either knows or learns what is being taught to her at a very, very, VERY fast pace.

Right now, my daughter is getting older and going through a transformation and I am starting to see her become more revealing of her intellect during her interactions with others. She has always wanted to be private about her intelligence and I obliged because doing otherwise would make her uncomfortable.

But she is eleven years old now and I think it’s time for her to step out of her comfort zone and become her true self. She has always been a very quiet, observant, intense and private child. She is such a huge person living and showing up in such small, tight skin. I have been guilty of that myself plenty of times in my life. I have learned to be a better example for her. 

Since we removed her behavioral crutch, she is growing to be more comfortable in her own incredible, dynamic and genius skin.

Spread your wings my butterfly.  Mommy loves you.

Thanks for reading y’all.


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