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Set impossible goals for your child.

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2023

It is important to set realistic and attainable goals for children in order to foster their growth and development. Setting impossible goals for a child may result in feelings of frustration, lack of self-confidence, and an overall negative impact on their well-being. Instead, it is more effective to set goals that are challenging yet achievable, taking into consideration their individual abilities and interests. By setting attainable goals, children are more likely to success, which leads to a boost in self-esteem and motivation. This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue striving for new accomplishments and promotes a healthy sense of self-worth. Moreover, setting impossible goals can place unnecessary pressure on children to conform to unrealistic. This may lead to them feeling and discouraged, potentially hindering their development and hindering their natural curiosity and creativity. As parents and caregivers, it crucial to a supportive and nurturing environment for children to thrive. By setting realistic goals, we can help them develop resilience, determination, and a growth mindset. You can also follow our Facebook page and website to get the latest updates : https://www.facebook.com/Sharita.growthinstitute www.growthinstitute.mykajabi.com


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