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Who's fault is it? Oh boy! Here comes the blame game.

behavior literacy Jul 05, 2019

Hello Moms

I am writing to you today because I have something that I need to get off my chest.

I feel like the behavior and literacy problems that our babies are having in school are so unnecessary.

Don't get me wrong.  I know that this is a huge problem.  I am quite aware that there is no simple solution.

But there is a solution.

Whenever I get into a conversation about why this problem exists, everyone starts pointing the finger.  And this is when I get aggravated.

The parents are blaming the schools.

"The teachers don't know how to teach our kids.  It's the new curriculum.  That new math is hard.  They send too much homework home.  The teachers don't have a connection with our children."

The schools are blaming the parents.  

"The parents don't work with their children at home.  The kids have problems at home.  Many of the children have divorced or single parents. Many of our students come from low-income households."  


Seriously, what does all this have to do with anything????

These generalizations don't solve the problem.  Also, we can't make those assertions like we know for sure what is going on in the homes of these children or in the classrooms.  It's a very shortsighted view.

Even in cases where the assertions are true, I don't care. They are still just a colossal waste of time. 

When I hear these comments in conversations, or documentaries on youtube, or read them in articles, all I hear is people pointing fingers and no one taking responsibility.

All I hear are excuses.

I....hate..... excuses.

Excuses are comfortable.  They allow us to sit around and pretend that there is nothing that we can do. Excuses allow us to feel better about ourselves when we fail.

That's nonsense. 

We don't have time for that.  Our children's futures are at stake here! 

That's why I am calling on moms all around the country to get in the front seat of their child's education.  I truly feel that Mothers are the solution.  

Here is a video where I am really on my soapbox about this issue. My daughter Mya is grabbing at me trying to nurse. Hey, I'm a Mom!

Are you ready to get off your butt and do something? Do you want to improve your child's behavior and literacy at home by using professional but simple teaching and mental health strategies?

 Here is your free gift. Go ahead and download The Daily Reading System (PDF and Audio Training) today!

How do you feel about this issue?  Do you think that mothers should become leaders in their children's education by working from home to correct behaviors and fill in literacy gaps?  Or do you feel that it is the school's responsibility?  Comment below.


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