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Do you feel like your child's behavior has taken center stage in your life? I've been there.

behavior Jul 01, 2019

All too often when our children need something, we put ourselves on the backburner.

I lived on the back burner.  And the fire was on!

It was getting to the point where if I wanted to do something simple like take a shower or eat, I would check to see if anyone else needed anything first. 

And of course, they did.  They all did.  I mean, I had trained them to always need something.

So that led to two issues.

One, anything and everything that I wanted to do had to wait.  Most times, they did not happen at all.

So yeah, sometimes I would be dying to have a good old shower or feeling like I am going to pass out from hunger but I would be doing something else that needed to be done.

I needed a serious change.

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Two, my daughter the mastermind genius grew to use this to her advantage.  So, she would act out on purpose just to get me to stop whatever I was doing and focus on her.

She would create elaborate stories containing problems that I had to find a solution for because she knew I just couldn't help it. I had to solve the problem.

But worse of all.  I was showing my daughter that as a woman, I did not matter.

What I wanted did not matter.

How I felt did not matter.

Being happy just did not matter.

I just did not matter.

I stopped working.  I talked all about things I wanted to do but never accomplished them.  I stopped taking care of myself.  My hair was always a mess. I even stopped going out of the house.  Quite frequently I would look up some days and realize that I had been in the house for three weeks!

Was this the lesson that I wanted my daughter to learn?

Every day when she came home from school, she had a new or ongoing behavior that had to be dealt with.

Every day I was on the couch waiting to address the behavior.

Sometimes she would ask me what I had done that day.  

And it was the same stuff all the time.  In other words, I did nothing.

I had to take responsibility.  Jazzy's behavior had taken over my life? No, I had made Jazzy's behavior along with the rest of my family's needs and wants my mission.  

It was my purpose.

My purpose?????


I also had to face the facts.  

I was depressed.

I decided that something needed to be done.   

I had to rebuild myself.  I had to take care of myself.  I had to invest in my own happiness. My own goals. My own needs and desires.

I had to make myself a priority. 

That was hard.  I know you feel me, Mom.

But below, I have provided the plan I designed to pull myself up off the floor and become a great example for my daughter.  

 Download The Get Your Life Back Checklist Now.

We always hear that old saying, "You can't expect to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself".  I can say that I totally understand what that means now.  So put a plan together for yourself first, Mom.  Then put a plan together for your child.  You'll find that you will be much more successful and happier to boot.

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