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How to keep your child motivated?

Jun 28, 2023

Keeping a child motivated can be a challenge, but there are several strategies that can help. Firstly, it's important to create a supportive and encouraging environment. Praise your child for their efforts and achievements, and provide constructive feedback when necessary. Setting realistic goals and celebrating their progress can also boost motivation.

Secondly, finding activities that your child is passionate about can help maintain their motivation. Encourage them to explore different hobbies and interests, and provide opportunities for them to pursue their talents. Taking an interest in their passions and supporting their endeavors can inspire them to stay motivated.

Additionally, providing structure and consistency is important. Establishing a routine that includes time for study, play, and relaxation can help your child stay focused and motivated. Setting expectations and offering rewards for reaching milestones can also be effective in maintaining motivation.

Lastly, be a...

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How to improve your child's focus?

Jun 28, 2023

Hello Moms and Dads,

Improving your child's focus requires a combination of different approaches that include positive reinforcement, a balanced diet, and physical exercise. One important step is to create an engaging and calming environment in your home, which minimizes distractions and helps your child focus on the task at hand.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Childā€™s Reading

Jul 09, 2019

Is your child struggling with reading in school? Is it affecting their self-confidence? If the answer is yes, I understand exactly what you’re going through. I’ve worked with kids who were reading below their grade level, and I could see the toll it took on them and their parents. 

If you think about it, you might realize that most of your child’s day includes some kind of reading. Your child can handle it in one of two ways. They can be excited to read and raise their hands like they’re trying to put out a fire. Sound familiar? Or they can be the kid that acts out to avoid reading and related schoolwork by any means necessary. Which type of kid do you think interests me the most? Yep, you guessed it: the one that’s saying, “I hope the teacher is absent today.”

Why did I just loooooove working with kids with both behavior problems and reading problems? Well, because I knew that, just like your child, they were good kids with...

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