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How to improve your child's focus?

Jun 28, 2023

Hello Moms and Dads,

Improving your child's focus requires a combination of different approaches that include positive reinforcement, a balanced diet, and physical exercise. One important step is to create an engaging and calming environment in your home, which minimizes distractions and helps your child focus on the task at hand.

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Mindset for Success

Nov 05, 2018

One of the most important aspects of your child’s ability to improve in reading is his actual perception of reading. Is reading important to your child? Is he good at it? Is he interested in reading? If not, then he will not likely improve his reading ability. Our goal is to get him above grade level in reading. But we cannot do that without him. Luckily, there are a few things that we can do to help get our children on the right track.

First of all, we should be asking ourselves the same questions. Is reading important to me? Am I good at it? Do I want to be better? Am I interested in reading? The truth is, our children watch EVERYTHING we do. Also, whether they want to admit it or not, they copy us. If we yell at them to pick up a book all the time but they never see us read anything except a tweet or a Facebook post, then it is unlikely that they will value reading. We must become readers. If we show our children that reading is important...

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