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How to improve your child's focus?

Jun 28, 2023

Hello Moms and Dads,

Improving your child's focus requires a combination of different approaches that include positive reinforcement, a balanced diet, and physical exercise. One important step is to create an engaging and calming environment in your home, which minimizes distractions and helps your child focus on the task at hand.

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Number 1 Lesson I Learned About my Daughter's Behavior on Mother's Day

May 12, 2020

Do you find yourself being overwhelmed by your child's behavior on Mother's Day? 

Mother's Day was always a stressful day for me.  I wanted so badly for it to be nice, but my husband and I had grown distant and Jazzy's behavior was just too much for us to handle at the time.  As a matter of fact, this was the same scenario for all holidays.  We were all hoping that everything would turn out okay and I would overcompensate by cooking a ton of food and end up burned out because I ran out of time and energy.  

There was nothing that I could do to mitigate the impending anxiety that surrounded such a special day.  Or so I thought.  

I Was Ready for a Change

I wanted a different experience and I prayed on it.  I decided that whatever experience I desired would come to me and I committed to taking the action steps that I was being guided to take. 

As I worked to improve Jazzy's behavior and school performance, I learned something especially...

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